Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-English Language Spoken at Home (Polygon) (SA1 Level) (2001-2021)

Dataset extent


An emerging CALD community refers to a place with a significant increase in the number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations according to ABS census counts. These communities may experience social barriers that adversely affect the quality of life. Emerging CALD Communities are an ongoing feature of the Australian cultural landscape. Further research has been required into the status of Emerging CALD Communities. This project concerns how social and environmental inequalities have been distributed in Australia's CALD populations over the last two decades. It aims to measure changes in the CALD populations and exposure to urban heat and greening due to social inequities and climate change.

Two layers of CALD total populations at the SA1 level were generated for five consecutive Australian Census years (2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021) using historic ABS Census datasets. The first layer represents individuals who speak a non-English language at home, while the second layer includes those born in a country where the main language is non-English. Both layers were transformed and aggregated to ensure consistency across Census years, providing a detailed analysis of CALD population trends over two decades.

This project expands AURINʼs infrastructure of data and tools, in particular the integrated Heat Vulnerability Index toolkit developed by CI Sun that has provided cloud computing tools for deriving environmental indicators. The outcome of this project is a new nationwide longitudinal database with the quantification of CALD populations and social-environmental inequalities, which will fill a critical gap for AURINʼs data catalogue. The database supports and facilitates multidisciplinary research to perform spatial and statistical analyses to reveal the disproportionate exposure to urban heat and greening across CALD communities in Australia. Spatially explicit information can be generated from the database for planners to make intervention strategies for vulnerable CALD populations, to diminish the inequality for CALD. This significantly advances AURINʼs capability to support CALD research across social science, public health, and the environment, and achieve SDG goals.


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Field Value
Last Updated 6 March 2025, 2:57 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created 6 March 2025, 2:57 AM (UTC+00:00)
ADP ID gisail_rmit_updated:ecald_dataset_1_cald_lsah_polygon
Access Level Open Access
Attribution GISail (Geospatial Informatics and Intelligence) Group, RMIT University, (2025): Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-English Language Spoken at Home (Polygon) (SA1 Level) (2001-2021); accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
Copyright Notice © GISail (Geospatial Informatics and Intelligence) Group, RMIT University 2025
Geometry Field geometry
Type dataset
Update Frequency asNeeded
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81694793701172, -43.74049762991781], [167.998046875, -43.74049762991781], [167.998046875, -9.142162323989208], [96.81694793701172, -9.142162323989208], [96.81694793701172, -43.74049762991781]]]}