Creekwatch is aimed at involving the local community with their local environment. Creekwatch activities include regular (i.e. monthly) macroinvertebrate surveys, fish and fauna surveys and water quality testing. The Creekwatch program is operated by Conservation Volunteers Australia and is supported by the Townsville City Council with additional support from NQ Water and the Burdekin Dry Tropics NRM. This dataset contains Creekwatch data from 2014 - 2015, created on a joint project with James Cook University (JCU) Townsville Campus Connected Urban Tropics group.
Conservation Volunteers Australia is Australasia's leading conservation volunteer organisation, founded in 1982. They offer conservation programs across Australia which enable volunteers to protect, preserve and restore the Australian environment. Projects take place in urban, regional and remote areas, and include tree planting, seed collection, weed control, flora and fauna surveys, building tracks and trails, fencing, and heritage restoration.
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