This dataset presents the number of permanent settlers in Australia by migrations streams; humanitarian, family and skilled. The data covers migrating settlers arriving between 01/01/2016 and 31/12/2016. The data has been aggregated following the 2011 Local Government Areas (LGA) with available data.
The data in your reports are sourced from the Settlement Database (SDB). Settlement Date uses a combination of either arrival date or grant date depending on where the settler was when their current SDB visa was granted. If a settler was offshore when their current SDB visa was granted then arrival date is used. If a settler was onshore when their current SDB visa was granted then visa grant date is used. SDB data is compiled from a number of sources including Department of Home Affairs, other Commonwealth agencies and service providers.
For more information please visit the Australian Government Data Portal.
Please note:
AURIN has spatially enabled the original data.
Where the recorded number of settlers is less than 5, the data has been set to null for confidentiality.
Settlers which do not have a recorded LGA have been removed from the data.