Attribute List |
All Cancers Combined - Age-standardised rate per 100,000, All Cancers Combined - Crude rate per 100,000, All Cancers Combined - Rate ratio , All Cancers Combined - Total Mortality, All Cancers Combined - Total Relevant Population , Breast (C50) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Breast (C50) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Breast (C50) - Rate ratio , Breast (C50) - Total Mortality , Breast (C50) - Total Relevant Population , Cervical (C53) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Cervical (C53) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Cervical (C53) - Rate ratio , Cervical (C53) - Total Mortality , Cervical (C53) - Total Relevant Population , Colorectal (C18-C20) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Colorectal (C18-C20) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Colorectal (C18-C20) - Rate ratio , Colorectal (C18-C20) - Total Mortality , Colorectal (C18-C20) - Total Relevant Population , Geometry, Leukaemia (C91-C95) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Leukaemia (C91-C95) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Leukaemia (C91-C95) - Rate ratio , Leukaemia (C91-C95) - Total Mortality , Leukaemia (C91-C95) - Total Relevant Population , Lung (C33-C34) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Lung (C33-C34) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Lung (C33-C34) - Rate ratio , Lung (C33-C34) - Total Mortality , Lung (C33-C34) - Total Relevant Population , Lymphoma (C81-C86) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Lymphoma (C81-C86) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Lymphoma (C81-C86) - Rate ratio , Lymphoma (C81-C86) - Total Mortality , Lymphoma (C81-C86) - Total Relevant Population , Melanoma Of The Skin (C43) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Melanoma Of The Skin (C43) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Melanoma Of The Skin (C43) - Rate ratio , Melanoma Of The Skin (C43) - Total Mortality , Melanoma Of The Skin (C43) - Total Relevant Population , Ovary (C56) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Ovary (C56) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Ovary (C56) - Rate ratio , Ovary (C56) - Total Mortality , Ovary (C56) - Total Relevant Population , Pancreas (C25) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Pancreas (C25) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Pancreas (C25) - Rate ratio , Pancreas (C25) - Total Mortality , Pancreas (C25) - Total Relevant Population , SA4 Code, SA4 Name, Thyroid (C73) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Thyroid (C73) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Thyroid (C73) - Rate ratio , Thyroid (C73) - Total Mortality , Thyroid (C73) - Total Relevant Population , Uterus (C54-C55) - Age-standardised rate per 100,000 , Uterus (C54-C55) - Crude rate per 100,000 , Uterus (C54-C55) - Rate ratio , Uterus (C54-C55) - Total Mortality , Uterus (C54-C55) - Total Relevant Population |