AIHW - Mothers and Babies - Low Birthweight Live Births (SA3) 2016

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the footprint of the number and per cent of low birthweight live births, by the mother's usual place of residence. The data spans the year of 2016 and is aggregated to Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) from the 2011 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).

The data is sourced from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Perinatal Data Collection (NPDC). The NPDC began in 1991 and is a collaborative effort by the AIHW and state and territory health departments. Perinatal data are collected for each birth in each state and territory, usually by midwives and other birth attendants. The data are collated by the relevant state or territory health department and a standard de-identified extract is provided to the AIHW on an annual basis to form the NPDC. The NPDC covers both live births and stillbirths, where gestational age is at least 20 weeks or birth weight is at least 400 grams, except in Victoria and Western Australia, where births are included if gestational age is at least 20 weeks or, if gestation is unknown, birthweight is at least 400 grams.

The Mothers and Babies data accompanies the Australia's Mothers and Babies 2016 - In Brief Report.

For further information about this dataset, visit the data source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Australia's Mothers and Babies 2016 Data Tables.

Please note:

  • AURIN has spatially enabled the original data.

  • SA3 is derived from Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) of the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard Edition 2011. Numbers may not sum to totals due to rounding error.

  • Excludes mothers not usually resident in Australia or whose SA2 of usual residence was 'Not stated'.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:46 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:46 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_AIHW-UoM_AURIN_DB:aihw_mothers_babies_low_birthweight_live_births_sa3_2016
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa3
Attribute List Geometry, Number - Low Birthweight Live Births , Number - Total Live Births, Per Cent - Low Birthweight Live Births , SA3 Code, SA3 Name
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (2018): AIHW - Mothers and Babies - Low Birthweight Live Births (SA3) 2016; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2018
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa3_code
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}