This data set provides fixed broadband network performance, allocated to zoom level 16 web mercator tiles (approximately 610.8 meters by 610.8 meters at the equator). Download speed, upload speed, and latency are collected via the Speedtest by Ookla applications for Android and iOS and averaged for each tile. Measurements are filtered to results containing GPS-quality location accuracy.
For more information please see the Ookla Github repository or the Registry of Open Data on AWS.
Ookla licenses data to NGOs and educational institutions to fulfill its mission: to help make the internet better, faster and more accessible for everyone. Ookla hopes to further this mission by distributing the data to make it easier for individuals and organizations to use it for the purposes of bridging the social and economic gaps between those with and without modern Internet access.
AURIN has generated a subset corresponding to the intersection with the extent of the 2016 Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA) boundaries from the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). It was then reprojected from EPSG 4326 (WGS84) to 4283 (GDA94).
Additional columns have been added corresponding to the matching boundaries of the 2016 ABS Statistical Area Levels 2, 3 and 4, and the 2020 Local Government Areas. These were spatially joined using the centroid of each polygon, and therefore, should only be used as an approximation. Furthermore, grid cells residing outside of these boundaries, such as offshore or over rivers, are assigned a null value in these columns.