AusUrbHI Spatial Variation in Indicators of Breast Cancer Outcomes for Women...
The Australian Urban Health Indicators (AusUrb-HI) project, a collaboration between NCRIS facilities, AURIN, PHRN, and researchers, aims to improve understanding of urban and... -
Measures of Environmental Inequality across Culturally and Linguistically...
Measures of the environmental inequality among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations derived from the time series extracted from Landsat satellite images in... -
Measures of Environmental Inequality across Culturally and Linguistically...
Measures of the environmental inequality among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations derived from the time series extracted from Landsat satellite images in... -
Measures of Environmental Inequality across Culturally and Linguistically...
Measures of the environmental inequality among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations derived from the time series extracted from Landsat satellite images in... -
Measures of Environmental Inequality across Culturally and Linguistically...
Measures of the environmental inequality among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations derived from the time series extracted from Landsat satellite images in... -
Measures of Environmental Inequality across Culturally and Linguistically...
Measures of the environmental inequality among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations derived from the time series extracted from Landsat satellite images in... -
Integrated Heat Vulnerability Index for Culturally and Linguistically...
This dataset provides a composite measure of heat vulnerability for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Australia, integrating three key indicators: heat... -
Integrated Heat Vulnerability Index for Culturally and Linguistically...
This dataset provides a composite measure of heat vulnerability for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Australia, integrating three key indicators: heat... -
Integrated Heat Vulnerability Index for Culturally and Linguistically...
This dataset provides a composite measure of heat vulnerability for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Australia, integrating three key indicators: heat... -
Integrated Heat Vulnerability Index for Culturally and Linguistically...
This dataset provides a composite measure of heat vulnerability for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Australia, integrating three key indicators: heat... -
Integrated Heat Vulnerability Index for Culturally and Linguistically...
This dataset provides a composite measure of heat vulnerability for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Australia, integrating three key indicators: heat... -
Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-English Language Spoken...
An emerging CALD community refers to a place with a significant increase in the number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations according to ABS census... -
Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-main English-Speaking...
An emerging CALD community refers to a place with a significant increase in the number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations according to ABS census... -
SNAMUTS - Route Segments (Polyline) 2021
This dataset presents the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) route segments for the year of 2021. Route segments are a public transport... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Activity Nodes (Point) 2021
This dataset presents the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by activity node locations for the year of 2021. SNAMUTS Australia... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Activity Nodes (Point) 2016
This dataset presents the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by activity node locations for the year of 2016. SNAMUTS Australia... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Activity Nodes (Point) 2011
This dataset presents the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by activity node locations for the year of 2011. SNAMUTS Australia... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Areas (SA1) 2021
This dataset presents the footprint of Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by area. The data spans the year of 2021 and is... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Areas (SA1) 2016
This dataset presents the footprint of Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by area. The data spans the year of 2016 and is... -
SNAMUTS - Indicators by Areas (SA1) 2011
This dataset presents the footprint of Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) indicators by area. The data spans the year of 2011 and is...