Attribute List |
Area of holding - Total area (ha) (a), Cotton - Application rate (ML/ha), Cotton - Area watered (ha), Cotton - Total area (ha) (e), Cotton - Volume applied (ML), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Application rate (ML/ha), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Area watered (ha), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Total area (ha), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Volume applied (ML), Geometry, Grapevines - Application rate (ML/ha), Grapevines - Area watered (ha), Grapevines - Total area (ha), Grapevines - Volume applied (ML), Groundwater (e.g. bores, springs, wells) - Total volume used (ML), Irrigation expenditure - Annual irrigation water volumetric/usage charges - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a permanent basis - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a permanent basis - Total volume purchased (ML), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a temporary basis - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a temporary basis - Total volume purchased (ML), Number of agricultural businesses (no.), Number of agricultural businesses irrigating (no.), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Application rate (ML/ha), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Area watered (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Total area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Volume applied (ML), Other agricultural water use - Volume used (ML) (b), Other broadacre crops - Application rate (ML/ha), Other broadacre crops - Area watered (ha), Other broadacre crops - Total area (ha), Other broadacre crops - Volume applied (ML), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Application rate (ML/ha), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Area watered (ha), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Total area (ha), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Volume applied (ML), Other crops n.e.c. - Application rate (ML/ha), Other crops n.e.c. - Area watered (ha), Other crops n.e.c. - Volume applied (ML), Other sources of water (excluding rainfall) - Total volume used (ML), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for hay - Application rate (ML/ha) (c), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for hay - Area watered (ha) (c), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for hay - Volume applied (ML) (c), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for silage - Application rate (ML/ha) (d), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for silage - Area watered (ha) (d), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for silage - Volume applied (ML) (d), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Application rate (ML/ha), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Area watered (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Total area (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Volume applied (ML), Pastures (including lucerne) cereal and other crops cut for hay - Total area (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) cereal and other crops cut for silage - Total area (ha), Recycled/re-used water from off-farm sources (e.g. re-use schemes, mines) - Total volume used (ML), Rice - Application rate (ML/ha), Rice - Area watered (ha), Rice - Total area (ha), Rice - Volume applied (ML), SA4 Code, SA4 Name, Sugar cane - Application rate (ML/ha), Sugar cane - Area watered (ha), Sugar cane - Total area (ha) (f), Sugar cane - Volume applied (ML), Total application rate (ML/ha), Total area watered (ha), Total volume applied (ML), Total volume applied/used (including other agricultural water) (ML), Total volume of water from all sources (ML), Town or reticulated mains supply - Total volume used (ML), Vegetables for human consumption - Application rate (ML/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Area watered (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Volume applied (ML), Water taken from irrigation channels or irrigation pipelines - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from on-farm dams or tanks - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Where a volumetric/usage charge occurs - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Where there is no volumetric/usage charge - Total volume used (ML) |