Attribute List |
$1-$149 Employed Away from work, $1-$149 Employed Total, $1-$149 Employed Worked Full-time, $1-$149 Employed Worked Part-time, $1-$149 Labour force status not stated, $1-$149 Not in the labour force, $1-$149 Total, $1-$149 Total labour force, $1-$149 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $1-$149 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $1-$149 Unemployed looking for Total, $1000-$1249 Employed Away from work, $1000-$1249 Employed Total, $1000-$1249 Employed Worked Full-time, $1000-$1249 Employed Worked Part-time, $1000-$1249 Labour force status not stated, $1000-$1249 Not in the labour force, $1000-$1249 Total, $1000-$1249 Total labour force, $1000-$1249 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $1000-$1249 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $1000-$1249 Unemployed looking for Total, $1250-$1499 Employed Away from work, $1250-$1499 Employed Total, $1250-$1499 Employed Worked Full-time, $1250-$1499 Employed Worked Part-time, $1250-$1499 Labour force status not stated, $1250-$1499 Not in the labour force, $1250-$1499 Total, $1250-$1499 Total labour force, $1250-$1499 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $1250-$1499 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $1250-$1499 Unemployed looking for Total, $150-$299 Employed Away from work, $150-$299 Employed Total, $150-$299 Employed Worked Full-time, $150-$299 Employed Worked Part-time, $150-$299 Labour force status not stated, $150-$299 Not in the labour force, $150-$299 Total, $150-$299 Total labour force, $150-$299 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $150-$299 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $150-$299 Unemployed looking for Total, $1500-$1749 Employed Away from work, $1500-$1749 Employed Total, $1500-$1749 Employed Worked Full-time, $1500-$1749 Employed Worked Part-time, $1500-$1749 Labour force status not stated, $1500-$1749 Not in the labour force, $1500-$1749 Total, $1500-$1749 Total labour force, $1500-$1749 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $1500-$1749 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $1500-$1749 Unemployed looking for Total, $1750-$1999 Employed Away from work, $1750-$1999 Employed Total, $1750-$1999 Employed Worked Full-time, $1750-$1999 Employed Worked Part-time, $1750-$1999 Labour force status not stated, $1750-$1999 Not in the labour force, $1750-$1999 Total, $1750-$1999 Total labour force, $1750-$1999 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $1750-$1999 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $1750-$1999 Unemployed looking for Total, $2000-$2499 Employed Away from work, $2000-$2499 Employed Total, $2000-$2499 Employed Worked Full-time, $2000-$2499 Employed Worked Part-time, $2000-$2499 Not in the labour force, $2000-$2499 Total, $2000-$2499 Total labour force, $2000-$2499 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $2000-$2499 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $2000-$2499 Unemployed looking for Total, $2500-$2999 Employed Away from work, $2500-$2999 Employed Total, $2500-$2999 Employed Worked Full-time, $2500-$2999 Employed Worked Part-time, $2500-$2999 Labour force status not stated, $2500-$2999 Not in the labour force, $2500-$2999 Total, $2500-$2999 Total labour force, $2500-$2999 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $2500-$2999 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $2500-$2999 Unemployed looking for Total, $300-$399 Employed Away from work, $300-$399 Employed Total, $300-$399 Employed Worked Full-time, $300-$399 Employed Worked Part-time, $300-$399 Labour force status not stated, $300-$399 Not in the labour force, $300-$399 Total, $300-$399 Total labour force, $300-$399 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $300-$399 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $300-$399 Unemployed looking for Total, $3000-$3499 Employed Away from work, $3000-$3499 Employed Total, $3000-$3499 Employed Worked Full-time, $3000-$3499 Employed Worked Part-time, $3000-$3499 Labour force status not stated, $3000-$3499 Not in the labour force, $3000-$3499 Total, $3000-$3499 Total labour force, $3000-$3499 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $3000-$3499 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $3000-$3499 Unemployed looking for Total, $3500-$3999 Employed Away from work, $3500-$3999 Employed Total, $3500-$3999 Employed Worked Full-time, $3500-$3999 Employed Worked Part-time, $3500-$3999 Labour force status not stated, $3500-$3999 Not in the labour force, $3500-$3999 Total, $3500-$3999 Total labour force, $3500-$3999 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $3500-$3999 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $3500-$3999 Unemployed looking for Total, $400-$499 Employed Away from work, $400-$499 Employed Total, $400-$499 Employed Worked Full-time, $400-$499 Employed Worked Part-time, $400-$499 Labour force status not stated, $400-$499 Not in the labour force, $400-$499 Total, $400-$499 Total labour force, $400-$499 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $400-$499 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $400-$499 Unemployed looking for Total, $4000 or more Employed Away from work, $4000 or more Employed Total, $4000 or more Employed Worked Full-time, $4000 or more Employed Worked Part-time, $4000 or more Labour force status not stated, $4000 or more Not in the labour force, $4000 or more Total, $4000 or more Total labour force, $4000 or more Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $4000 or more Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $4000 or more Unemployed looking for Total, $500-$649 Employed Away from work, $500-$649 Employed Total, $500-$649 Employed Worked Full-time, $500-$649 Employed Worked Part-time, $500-$649 Labour force status not stated, $500-$649 Not in the labour force, $500-$649 Total, $500-$649 Total labour force, $500-$649 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $500-$649 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $500-$649 Unemployed looking for Total, $650-$799 Employed Away from work, $650-$799 Employed Total, $650-$799 Employed Worked Full-time, $650-$799 Employed Worked Part-time, $650-$799 Labour force status not stated, $650-$799 Not in the labour force, $650-$799 Total, $650-$799 Total labour force, $650-$799 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $650-$799 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $650-$799 Unemployed looking for Total, $800-$999 Employed Away from work, $800-$999 Employed Total, $800-$999 Employed Worked Full-time, $800-$999 Employed Worked Part-time, $800-$999 Labour force status not stated, $800-$999 Not in the labour force, $800-$999 Total, $800-$999 Total labour force, $800-$999 Unemployed looking for Full-time work, $800-$999 Unemployed looking for Part-time work, $800-$999 Unemployed looking for Total, 2000-$2499 Labour force status not stated, All incomes not stated Employed Worked Full-time, All incomes not stated Employed Worked Part-time, GCCSA Code 2016, GCCSA Name 2016, Geometry Field, Negative Nil income Employed Away from work, Negative Nil income Employed Total, Negative Nil income Employed Worked Full-time, Negative Nil income Employed Worked Part-time, Negative Nil income Labour force status not stated, Negative Nil income Not in the labour force, Negative Nil income Total, Negative Nil income Total labour force, Negative Nil income Unemployed looking for Full-time work, Negative Nil income Unemployed looking for Part-time work, Negative Nil income Unemployed looking for Total, Partial income stated Employed Away from work, Partial income stated Employed Total, Partial income stated Employed Worked Full-time, Partial income stated Employed Worked Part-time, Partial income stated Labour force status not stated, Partial income stated Not in the labour force, Partial income stated Total, Partial income stated Total labour force, Partial income stated Unemployed looking for Full-time work, Partial income stated Unemployed looking for Part-time work, Partial income stated Unemployed looking for Total |