Attribute List |
All incomes not stated Family households, All incomes not stated Non family households, All incomes not stated Total, Geometry Field, Income of 1-149 Family households, Income of 1-149 Non family households, Income of 1-149 Total, Income of 1000-1249 Family households, Income of 1000-1249 Non family households, Income of 1000-1249 Total, Income of 1250-1499 Family households, Income of 1250-1499 Non family households, Income of 1250-1499 Total, Income of 150-299 Family households, Income of 150-299 Non family households, Income of 150-299 Total, Income of 1500-1749 Family households, Income of 1500-1749 Non family households, Income of 1500-1749 Total, Income of 1750-1999 Family households, Income of 1750-1999 Non family households, Income of 1750-1999 Total, Income of 2000-2499 Family households, Income of 2000-2499 Non family households, Income of 2000-2499 Total, Income of 2500-2999 Family households, Income of 2500-2999 Non family households, Income of 2500-2999 Total, Income of 300-399 Family households, Income of 300-399 Non family households, Income of 300-399 Total, Income of 3000-3499 Family households, Income of 3000-3499 Non family households, Income of 3000-3499 Total, Income of 3500-3999 Family households, Income of 3500-3999 Non family households, Income of 3500-3999 Total, Income of 400-499 Family households, Income of 400-499 Non family households, Income of 400-499 Total, Income of 4000 or more Family households, Income of 4000 or more Non family households, Income of 4000 or more Total, Income of 500-649 Family households, Income of 500-649 Non family households, Income of 500-649 Total, Income of 650-799 Family households, Income of 650-799 Non family households, Income of 650-799 Total, Income of 800-999 Family households, Income of 800-999 Non family households, Income of 800-999 Total, LGA Code 2016, LGA Name 2016, Negative Nil income Family households, Negative Nil income Non family households, Negative Nil income Total, Partial income stated Family households, Partial income stated Non family households, Partial income stated Total, Total Family households, Total Non family households, Total Total |