Attribute List |
Full-time student $1-$149 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $1-$149 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $1-$149 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $1-$149 Labourers, Full-time student $1-$149 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $1-$149 Managers, Full-time student $1-$149 Professionals, Full-time student $1-$149 Sales workers, Full-time student $1-$149 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $1-$149 Total, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Labourers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Managers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Professionals, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Sales workers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $1000-$1249 Total, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Labourers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Managers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Professionals, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Sales workers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $1250-$1499 Total, Full-time student $150-$299 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $150-$299 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $150-$299 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $150-$299 Labourers, Full-time student $150-$299 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $150-$299 Managers, Full-time student $150-$299 Professionals, Full-time student $150-$299 Sales workers, Full-time student $150-$299 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $150-$299 Total, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Labourers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Managers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Professionals, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Sales workers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $1500-$1749 Total, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Labourers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Managers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Professionals, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Sales workers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $1750-$1999 Total, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Labourers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Managers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Professionals, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Sales workers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $2000-$2999 Total, Full-time student $300-$399 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $300-$399 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $300-$399 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $300-$399 Labourers, Full-time student $300-$399 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $300-$399 Managers, Full-time student $300-$399 Professionals, Full-time student $300-$399 Sales workers, Full-time student $300-$399 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $300-$399 Total, Full-time student $3000 or more Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $3000 or more Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $3000 or more Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $3000 or more Labourers, Full-time student $3000 or more Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $3000 or more Managers, Full-time student $3000 or more Professionals, Full-time student $3000 or more Sales workers, Full-time student $3000 or more Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $3000 or more Total, Full-time student $400-$499 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $400-$499 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $400-$499 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $400-$499 Labourers, Full-time student $400-$499 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $400-$499 Managers, Full-time student $400-$499 Professionals, Full-time student $400-$499 Sales workers, Full-time student $400-$499 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $400-$499 Total, Full-time student $500-$649 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $500-$649 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $500-$649 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $500-$649 Labourers, Full-time student $500-$649 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $500-$649 Managers, Full-time student $500-$649 Professionals, Full-time student $500-$649 Sales workers, Full-time student $500-$649 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $500-$649 Total, Full-time student $650-$799 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $650-$799 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $650-$799 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $650-$799 Labourers, Full-time student $650-$799 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $650-$799 Managers, Full-time student $650-$799 Professionals, Full-time student $650-$799 Sales workers, Full-time student $650-$799 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $650-$799 Total, Full-time student $800-$999 Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student $800-$999 Community and personal service workers, Full-time student $800-$999 Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student $800-$999 Labourers, Full-time student $800-$999 Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student $800-$999 Managers, Full-time student $800-$999 Professionals, Full-time student $800-$999 Sales workers, Full-time student $800-$999 Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student $800-$999 Total, Full-time student Negative Nil income Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Community and personal service workers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student Negative Nil income Labourers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Managers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Professionals, Full-time student Negative Nil income Sales workers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student Negative Nil income Total, Full-time student Total Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student Total Community and personal service workers, Full-time student Total Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student Total Labourers, Full-time student Total Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student Total Managers, Full-time student Total Professionals, Full-time student Total Sales workers, Full-time student Total Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student Total Total, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Clerical and administrative workers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Community and personal service workers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Inadequately described Not stated, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Labourers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Machinery operators and drivers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Managers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Professionals, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Sales workers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Technicians and trades workers, Full-time student Total personal income not stated Total, Geometry Field, Part-time student $1-$149 Clerical and administrative workers, Part-time student $1-$149 Community and personal service workers, Part-time student $1-$149 Inadequately described Not stated, Part-time student $1-$149 Labourers, Part-time student $1-$149 Machinery operators and drivers, Part-time student $1-$149 Managers, Part-time student $1-$149 Professionals, Part-time student $1-$149 Sales workers, Part-time student $1-$149 Technicians and trades workers, Part-time student $1-$149 Total, Part-time student $150-$299 Clerical and administrative workers, Part-time student $150-$299 Community and personal service workers, Part-time student $150-$299 Inadequately described Not stated, Part-time student $150-$299 Labourers, Part-time student $150-$299 Machinery operators and drivers, Part-time student $150-$299 Managers, Part-time student $150-$299 Professionals, Part-time student $150-$299 Sales workers, Part-time student $150-$299 Technicians and trades workers, Part-time student $150-$299 Total, Part-time student $300-$399 Clerical and administrative workers, Part-time student $300-$399 Community and personal service workers, Part-time student $300-$399 Inadequately described Not stated, Part-time student $300-$399 Labourers, Part-time student $300-$399 Machinery operators and drivers, Part-time student $300-$399 Managers, Part-time student $300-$399 Professionals, Part-time student $300-$399 Sales workers, Part-time student $300-$399 Technicians and trades workers, Part-time student $300-$399 Total, Part-time student Negative Nil income Clerical and administrative workers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Community and personal service workers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Inadequately described Not stated, Part-time student Negative Nil income Labourers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Machinery operators and drivers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Managers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Professionals, Part-time student Negative Nil income Sales workers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Technicians and trades workers, Part-time student Negative Nil income Total, SA3 Code 2016, SA3 Name 2016 |