Attribute List |
Area of holding - Total area (ha) , Broadacre crops - All other crops n.e.c. - Area (ha) , Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - All other cereals for grain or seed - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - All other cereals for grain or seed - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - All other cereals for grain or seed - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Barley for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Barley for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Barley for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Maize for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Maize for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Maize for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Oats for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Oats for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Oats for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Rice for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Rice for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Rice for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Sorghum for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Sorghum for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Sorghum for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Triticale for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Triticale for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Triticale for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Wheat for grain - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Wheat for grain - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Cereal crops - Wheat for grain - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated and non-irrigated) - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated and non-irrigated) - Lint production (kg), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated and non-irrigated) - Yield (kg/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated) - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated) - Lint production (kg), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (irrigated) - Yield (kg/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (non-irrigated) - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (non-irrigated) - Lint production (kg), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Cotton (non-irrigated) - Yield (kg/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Canola - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Canola - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Canola - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Other oilseeds - Area (ha) , Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Other oilseeds - Production (t) , Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Oilseeds - Other oilseeds - Yield (t/ha) , Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Other pulses - Area (ha) , Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Other pulses - Production (t) , Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Other pulses - Yield (t/ha) (c), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Peanuts in shell - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Peanuts in shell - Production (kg), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Peanuts in shell - Yield (kg/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Sugar cane (plant or other - not for crushing) - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Sugar cane - Cut for crushing - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Sugar cane - Cut for crushing - Production (t), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Sugar cane - Cut for crushing - Yield (t/ha), Broadacre crops - Non-cereal crops - Sugar cane - Total - Area (ha), Broadacre crops - Total area (ha), Crops - Total crops (including broadacre, hay, silage and horticulture) - Area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Berry fruit - Strawberries - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Berry fruit - Strawberries - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Berry fruit - Strawberries - Yield (kg/ha) , Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Mandarins - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Mandarins - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Mandarins - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Mandarins - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Mandarins - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Oranges - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Oranges - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Oranges - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Oranges - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Oranges - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Other citrus fruit n.e.c. - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Other citrus fruit n.e.c. - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Citrus fruit - Other citrus fruit n.e.c. - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Grapes - Total - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes - Total - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes - Total - Production (t), Fruit and nuts - Grapes - Total - Total area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes - Total - Yield (t/ha) (h), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for all other uses - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for all other uses - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for all other uses - Production (t), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for all other uses - Total area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for all other uses - Yield (t/ha) (h), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for wine production - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for wine production - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for wine production - Production (t), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for wine production - Total area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Grapes for wine production - Yield (t/ha) , Fruit and nuts - Nuts - All other nuts n.e.c. - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - All other nuts n.e.c. - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - All other nuts n.e.c. - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Almonds - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Almonds - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Almonds - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Almonds - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Almonds - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Macadamias - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Macadamias - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Macadamias - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Macadamias - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Nuts - Macadamias - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Orchard fruit and nuts - All orchard fruit (including nuts) - Total - Trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Orchard fruit and nuts - All orchard fruit (including nuts) - Total - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Orchard fruit and nuts - All orchard fruit (including nuts) - Total - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Orchard fruit and nuts - Total area of fruit and nut trees (ha) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Avocados - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Avocados - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Avocados - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Avocados - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Avocados - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Mangoes - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Mangoes - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Mangoes - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Mangoes - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Mangoes - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Olives - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Olives - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Olives - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Olives - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Olives - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Other orchard fruit n.e.c. - Total trees (no.) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Other orchard fruit n.e.c. - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.) , Fruit and nuts - Other orchard fruit - Other orchard fruit n.e.c. - Trees of bearing age (no.) , Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - All Plantation and other fruit n.e.c. - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - All Plantation and other fruit n.e.c. - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Bananas - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Bananas - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Bananas - Production (t), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Bananas - Total area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Bananas - Yield (t/ha) , Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Pineapples - Area not yet of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Pineapples - Area of bearing age (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Pineapples - Production (t), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Pineapples - Total area (ha), Fruit and nuts - Plantation and other fruit - Pineapples - Yield (t/ha) , Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Apples - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Apples - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Apples - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Apples - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Apples - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Other pome fruit n.e.c. - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Other pome fruit n.e.c. - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Other pome fruit n.e.c. - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Pears (including Nashi) - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Pears (including Nashi) - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Pears (including Nashi) - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Pears (including Nashi) - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Pome fruit - Pears (including Nashi) - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Apricots - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Apricots - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Apricots - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Apricots - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Apricots - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Cherries - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Cherries - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Cherries - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Cherries - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Cherries - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Nectarines - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Nectarines - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Nectarines - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Nectarines - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Nectarines - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Other stone fruit n.e.c. - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Other stone fruit n.e.c. - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Other stone fruit n.e.c. - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Peaches - Production (kg), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Peaches - Total trees (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Peaches - Trees not yet of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Peaches - Trees of bearing age (no.), Fruit and nuts - Stone fruit - Peaches - Yield (kg/tree) , Fruit and nuts - Total area (excluding grapes) (ha), Geometry Field, Hay and Silage - Cereal cut for hay - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Cereal cut for hay - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Cereal cut for hay - Yield (t/ha), Hay and Silage - Lucerne cut for hay - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Lucerne cut for hay - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Lucerne cut for hay - Yield (t/ha), Hay and Silage - Other crops cut for hay - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Other crops cut for hay - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Other crops cut for hay - Yield (t/ha), Hay and Silage - Other pasture cut for hay - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Other pasture cut for hay - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Other pasture cut for hay - Yield (t/ha), Hay and Silage - Pasture (including lucerne), cereal and other crops cut for hay - Total - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Pasture (including lucerne), cereal and other crops cut for hay - Total - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Pasture (including lucerne), cereal and other crops cut for silage - Area (ha), Hay and Silage - Pasture (including lucerne), cereal and other crops cut for silage - Production (t), Hay and Silage - Pasture (including lucerne), cereal and other crops cut for silage - Yield (t/ha), Horticulture - Plantation and other fruit - All other fruit n.e.c. - Total area (ha), Livestock - All other livestock n.e.c. (no.) , Livestock - Cattle - Total cattle (no.), Livestock - Dairy cattle - All other dairy cattle n.e.c. (no.) , Livestock - Dairy cattle - Calves less than 1 year (no.), Livestock - Dairy cattle - Cows in milk and dry (no.), Livestock - Dairy cattle - Heifers 1 to 2 years (no.), Livestock - Dairy cattle - Heifers over 2 years (no.), Livestock - Dairy cattle - Proportion dairy cattle to total cattle (%), Livestock - Dairy cattle - Total (no.), Livestock - Meat cattle - All other meat cattle (no.) , Livestock - Meat cattle - Calves less than 1 year (no.), Livestock - Meat cattle - Cows and heifers 1 year and over (no.), Livestock - Meat cattle - Proportion of meat cattle to total cattle (%), Livestock - Meat cattle - Total (no.), Livestock - Pigs - All other pigs (no.) , Livestock - Pigs - Breeding sows (no.), Livestock - Pigs - Total (no.), Livestock - Poultry and eggs - All other chickens (including pullets and replacement stock) (no.), Livestock - Poultry and eggs - Hen egg production for human consumption - Total (dozens), Livestock - Poultry and eggs - Live poultry - All other poultry (no.), Livestock - Poultry and eggs - Live poultry - Meat chickens (no.), Livestock - Poultry and eggs - Live poultry - Total layers (excluding pullets) (no.) (l), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - All other (no.), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Breeding ewes 1 year and over (merino and all other) - Total (no.), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Breeding ewes 1 year and over - Merinos (no.), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Breeding ewes 1 year and over - Other breeding ewes n.e.c. (no.), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Ewes mated to produce lambs - Total (no.) , Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Ewes mated to produce lambs to Merino rams (no.) , Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Ewes mated to produce lambs to other rams (no.) , Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Lambs marked - All other breeds (no.) (i), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Lambs marked - Merino lambs (no.) (i), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Lambs marked - Total (no.) , Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Lambs under 1 year - Total (no.), Livestock - Sheep and lambs - Total (no.), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Cultivated turf - Rolls - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Cut flowers - Stems - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Bedding and potted colour - Plants -(no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Fruit trees, nut trees and vines - Plants - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Herbs and vegetables - Plants - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Indoor - Plants - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Other - Plants -(no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Perennials, trees and shrubs - Plants - (no.) ('000), Nurseries cut flowers and cultivated turf - Nurseries - Propagation plants - Plants - (no.) ('000), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Cultivated turf - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Cut flowers - Outdoor - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Cut flowers - Total - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Cut flowers - Undercover - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Nurseries - Outdoor - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Nurseries - Total - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Nurseries - Undercover - Area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers or cultivated turf - Total - Area (ha), SA4 Code 2016, SA4 Name2016, Vegetables for human consumption - All other vegetables - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Beans (including french and runner) - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Beans (including french and runner) - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Beans (including french and runner) - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Broccoli - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Broccoli - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Broccoli - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Brussels sprouts - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Brussels sprouts - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Brussels sprouts - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Cabbages - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Cabbages - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Cabbages - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Outdoor - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Outdoor - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Outdoor - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Total production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Total yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Undercover - Area (m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Undercover - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Capsicums (excluding chillies) - Undercover - Yield (kg/m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Carrots - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Carrots - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Carrots - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Cauliflowers - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Cauliflowers - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Cauliflowers - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - Total production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - Total yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - fresh market - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - fresh market - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - processing - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Green peas - processing - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Outdoor - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Outdoor - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Outdoor - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Total production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Total yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Undercover - Area (m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Undercover - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Lettuces - Undercover - Yield (kg/m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Melons - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Melons - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Melons - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Mushrooms - Area (m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Mushrooms - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Mushrooms - Yield (kg/m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Onions - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Onions - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Onions - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Peas - fresh market - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Peas - green processing - Yield (kg/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - Total production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - Total yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - fresh market - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - fresh market - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - fresh market - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - processing - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - processing - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Potatoes - processing - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Pumpkins - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Pumpkins - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Pumpkins - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Sweet corn - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Sweet corn - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Sweet corn - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Outdoor - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Outdoor - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Outdoor - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Total production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Total yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Undercover - Area (m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Undercover - Production (kg), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Fresh market - Undercover - Yield (kg/m2), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Processing - Area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Processing - Production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Processing - Yield (t/ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Tomatoes - Total production (t), Vegetables for human consumption - Total - Area (ha) |