AIHW - Specialist Homelessness Services Collection - Clients by Client Characteristics (SA4) 2018-2019

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the number of distinct specialist homeless services clients by client characteristics. The client counts are based on the location where the client resided in the week before their first presentation of the 2018-19 financial year. The data is aggregated to 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4).

The Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC) data accompanies the Specialist Homelessness Services Annual Report 2018-19.

For further information about this dataset, visit the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - Technical Information.


  • 'Homeless' status is derived for a client based on the client's housing circumstances at the beginning of their first support period within the reference year. All other clients not meeting these criteria are considered to be at risk of homelessness (excluding clients who did not provide sufficient information to make this assessment).

  • Housing circumstances are determined based on the client's type of residence, tenure and conditions of occupancy.

  • Rates are crude rates based on the Australian estimated resident population at 30 June of the reference year, as detailed in the online technical information.

  • Includes clients from 'Other territories' and those that have not provided location information.

  • Data presented have not been adjusted for partial or non-response (unweighted).

  • Clients are assigned to a region based on where they lived in the week before presenting to a SHS agency. Clients are assigned to only one region, based on the location details provided in the first support period in the reference year. Regions are defined by the 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).

AURIN has spatially enabled the original data and has excluded data from 'Unknown' SA4s.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:47 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:47 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_AIHW-UoM_AURIN_DB:aihw_shsc_client_location_by_chars_sa4_2018_2019
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa4_2016
Attribute List Age Group (%) 0-9, Age Group (%) 10-14, Age Group (%) 15-17, Age Group (%) 18-24, Age Group (%) 25-34, Age Group (%) 35-44, Age Group (%) 45-54, Age Group (%) 55-64, Age Group (%) 65+, Clients Number, Clients Rate Per 10000 ERP, Geometry, Homeless Status Number At Risk, Homeless Status Number Homeless, SA4 Code, SA4 Name, Sex (%) Female, Sex (%) Male, State/Territory
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (2019): AIHW - Specialist Homelessness Services Collection - Clients by Client Characteristics (SA4) 2018-2019; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa4_code
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[112.92, -43.74], [159.11, -43.74], [159.11, -9.14], [112.92, -9.14], [112.92, -43.74]]]}