These data reflect criminal incidents recorded by the NSW Police Force on their Computerised Operational Policing System (COPS). Criminal incidents can be either reported to police or detected by police through pro-active activity. This dataset has been compiled by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research from a quarterly COPS download receives from the NSW Police Force. It contains incidents reported between January 2013 and March 2016 where the incident occurred at an outdoor or public place (including parks, streets, footpaths) within the Sydney Local Government Area for the following offence categories:
Non-domestic violence related assault
Steal from motor vehicle
Motor vehicle theft
Possession and/or use of amphetamines
Possession and/or use of cannabis
Possession and/or use of cocaine
Possession and/or use of ecstasy
Possession and/or use of narcotics
Possession and/or use of other drugs
Robbery with a firearm
Robbery with a weapon that isn’t a firearm
Robbery without a weapon
The letters bcsr in the fields refers to BOCSAR which stands for Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, NSW.
In the field "time interval" all incidents happening between T and T+1 are assigned to T o'clock. For instance, all instanced that occurred from 3:00pm to 3:59pm are assigned to 3. One-hour interval is deemed as the basis.