This dataset presents the Spatial Network Analysis for Multimodal Urban Transport Systems (SNAMUTS) route segments for the year of 2016. Route segments are a public transport link between two adjacent activity nodes or other network nodes. A numbered public transport route is usually made up of a sequence of consecutive route segments
The SNAMUTS methodology has been developed as a planning and decision-making support tool. It determines accessibility performance from a user perspective, bearing in mind that different users sometimes have different needs: some may value speed more than anything else, some may require barrier-free access as their first priority, others may be drawn primarily to services that are legible and have a high profile in the urban realm. Good accessibility is often the result of a balance and integration of these sometimes competing, sometimes complementary claims on the usability of the land use-transport system. The analysis includes a set of tasks and measurements that highlight the contribution of the public transport network and service development from a range of perspectives.
These are known as the eight key SNAMUTS indicators, they include:
Service Intensity
Closeness Centrality
Degree Centrality
Network Coverage
Contour Catchments
Betweenness Centrality
Nodal Connectivity
For more information, please refer to the SNAMUTS website.
Please note:
This data provides context to the corresponding indicator datasets: "SNAMUTS - Indicators by Activity Nodes (Point) 2016" or "SNAMUTS - Indicators by Areas (SA1) 2016".
Some routes are composed of disjoint line segments and as such the data should be used for visualisation purposes only.