This dataset, released September 2017, contains the total fertility rate, 2013 to 2015. The data is presented by the Primary Health Network boundaries.
There are 31 PHNs set up by the Australian Government. Each network is controlled by a board of medical professionals and advised by a clinical council and community advisory committee. The data is by Primary Health Network (PHN) 2017 geographic boundaries based on the 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).
For more information please see the data source notes on the data.
Source: Compiled by PHIDU based on the ABS data in "Table 2: Births, Australia 2015".
AURIN has spatially enabled the original data. Data that was not shown/not applicable/not published/not available for the specific area ('#', '..', '^', 'np, 'n.a.', 'n.y.a.' in original PHIDU data) was removed.It has been replaced by by Blank cells. For other keys and abbreviations refer to PHIDU Keys.