This dataset, released February 2020, contains statistics about the labour force relating to Unemployment, March 2019; Labour force participation, March 2019; Female labour force participation, 2016.
The data is by Local Government Area (LGA) 2016 geographic boundaries.
For more information please see the data source notes on the data.
Source: Compiled by PHIDU based on the Small Area Labour Markets - Australia, Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, March Quarter 2019; Compiled by PHIDU based on the Small Area Labour Markets - Australia, Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, March Quarter 2019; and the ABS Estimated Resident Population, 30 June 2018; Compiled by PHIDU based on the ABS Census of Population and Housing, August 2016.
AURIN has spatially enabled the original data. Data that was not shown/not applicable/not published/not available for the specific area ('#', '..', '^', 'np, 'n.a.', 'n.y.a.' in original PHIDU data) was removed.It has been replaced by by Blank cells. For other keys and abbreviations refer to PHIDU Keys.