SA2 Social Indicators for the Indigenous Population (Synthetic estimate) 2011

Dataset extent


The small area (SA2) estimates of indigenous social indicator in Australia. This is an outcome of a process that combines substantial geographic information from the latest 2011 Census with the rich variable detail of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) 2008. The model uses both these sets of data to gain reliable small area estimates of Indigenous social indicator. The indicators include participation in cultural activities; social capital; discrimination; health status; psychological stress; social and emotional wellbeing; financial stress; feelings of safety or stress; identification with clan, tribal or language group.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 08:21 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 08:21 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-UC_NATSEM-UoM_AURIN_DB_UC_NATSEM_OldHub:natsem_tb3_indigenous_aurin_complete_data_geometr
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa2
Attribute List , Aged 0-14 (%), census data, Aged 0-14 (number), census data, Aged 15+ (number), census data, Aged 15-34 (%), census data, Aged 15-34 (number), census data, Aged 35-64 (%), census data, Aged 35-64 (number), census data, Aged 65+ (%), census data, Aged 65+ (number), census data, Couple (%), census data, Couple (number), census data, Cultural participation (%), synthetic estimate, Cultural participation (number), synthetic estimate, Degree, diploma or certificate (%), census data, Degree, diploma or certificate (number), census data, Dependent (%), census data, Dependent (number), census data, Discriminated (%), synthetic estimate, Discriminated (number), synthetic estimate, Experienced stressor (%), synthetic estimate, Experienced stressor (number), synthetic estimate, Felt safe walking alone (%), synthetic estimate, Felt unsafe to those who walking alone (%), synthetic estimate, Felt unsafe walking alone (%), synthetic estimate, Felt unsafe walking alone (number), synthetic estimate, Female (%), census data, Female (number), census data, Full-time student (%), census data, Full-time student (number), census data, Geometry, Has walked alone this year (%), synthetic estimate, Has walked alone this year (number), synthetic estimate, High income (%), census data, High income (number), census data, High psychological stress (%), synthetic estimate, High psychological stress (number), synthetic estimate, High-medium income (%), census data, High-medium income (number), census data, Indigenous group identity (%), synthetic estimate, Indigenous group identity (number), synthetic estimate, Indigenous language (%), census data, Indigenous language (number), census data, Living in couple family with children (%), census data, Living in couple family with children (number), census data, Living in couple family with no child (%), census data, Living in couple family with no child (number), census data, Living in household with member ran out of money (%), synthetic estimate, Living in household with member ranout of money (number), synthetic estimate, Living in lone person household (%), census data, Living in lone person household (number), census data, Living in multiple or non family household (%), census data, Living in multiple or non family household (number), census data, Living in non family household (%), census data, Living in non family household (number), census data, Living in one family with 1-3 children (%), census data, Living in one family with 1-3 children (number), census data, Living in one family with 4-5 children (%), census data, Living in one family with 4-5 children (number), census data, Living in one family with 6+ children (%), census data, Living in one family with 6+ children (number), census data, Living in one family without children (%), census data, Living in one family without children (number), census data, Living in other family household (%), census data, Living in other rented dwelling (%), census data, Living in other rented dwelling (number), census data, Living in own Dwelling (%), census data, Living in own dwelling (number), census data, Living in private rented dweling (number), census data, Living in private rented dwelling (%), census data, Living in public rented dwelling (%), census data, Living in public rented dwelling (number), census data, Living in purchased dwelling (%), census data, Living in purchased dwelling (number), census data, Living in single parent family (%), census data, Living in single parent family (number), census data, Living with other relative (%), census data, Living with other relative (number), census data, Living with other relative (number), census data, Living with unrelated person (%), census data, Living with unrelated person (number), census data, Lone parent (%), census data, Lone parent (number), census data, Low income (%), census data, Low income (number), census data, Low-medium income (%), census data, Low-medium income (number), census data, Male (%), census data, Male (number), census data, Manager and professional (%), census data, Manager and professional (number), census data, No internet (%), census data, No internet (number), census data, No motor vehicle (%), census data, No motor vehicle (number), census data, Not attending school (number), census data, Not attendning school (%), census data, Not in Labour Force (%), census data, Not in Labour Force (number), census data, Other language (%), census data, Other language (number), census data, Other occupation (%), census data, Other occupation (number), census data, Part-time student (%), census data, Part-time student (number), census data, Physically threatened or violence (%), synthetic estimate, Physically threatened or violence (number), synthetic estimate, Poor health (%), synthetic estimate, Poor health (number), synthetic estimate, SA2 ID, SA2 Name, Social and emotional wellbeing (mean), synthetic estimate, Unemployed (%), census data, Unemployed (number), census data, Unemployment rate (%), census data, With internet (%), census data, With internet (number), census data, With motor vehicle (%), census data, With motor vehicle (number), census data, Working (%), census data, Working (number), census data, Year 11 and below (%), census data, Year 11 and below (number), census data, Year 12 (number), census data, Year 12 only (%), census data, social capital, synthetic estimate
Attribution University of Canberra - National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, (2011): SA2 Social Indicators for the Indigenous Population (Synthetic estimate) 2011; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].<br><br>When using these data in published research, the authors need to include the following attribution in the text:<br>'These estimates are produced by NATSEM's Spatia Microsimulation model, which is described further in Tanton et al (2011)'<br><br>and the following in the bibliography:<br>Tanton, R., Vidyattama, Y., Nepal, B., & McNamara, J. (2011). Small area estimation using a reweighting algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 174(4), 931-951. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2011.00721.x
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © University of Canberra - National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling 2011
Geometry Field geom
Key sa2_main11
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.82, -43.74], [159.11, -43.74], [159.11, -9.14], [96.82, -9.14], [96.82, -43.74]]]}