Attribute List |
% Anglican, % Catholic, % Islamic, % Pentecostal, % born in Asia, % born in Middle East, % born in UK, % born in southern and eastern Europe, % born overseas, % couple without children households, % couples with children households, % employed as in-person service workers, % employed as routine production workers, % employed in Producer/Business Services, % employed in distributive services, % employed in extractive industries, % employed in personal services, % employed in social services, % employed in transformative industries, % home owners, % home purchasers, % indigenous persons, % low income category, % middle income households, % no religion, % not at the same address 5 years ago, % of high income category, % one parent family households, % other Christian, % other non-Christian religion, % population using computer, % private renters, % public housing tenants, % single person households, % symbolic analysts, % with a certificate, diploma or advanced diploma, % with a degree or higher qualification, Polling Place, labour force participation rate, pbc id, state name, unemployment rate |
spatial |
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[112.92111206054702, -43.74051284695801], [159.10545349121097, -43.74051284695801], [159.10545349121097, -15.73498535106938], [112.92111206054702, -15.73498535106938], [112.92111206054702, -43.74051284695801]]]} |