This dataset was collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data shows business establishments with their trading name, industry (ANZSIC4) classification, location and CLUE block and small area allocation. The data covers the year period of 2017.
A business establishment is defined as a
Hence, if one organisation has its presence in several buildings in the CLUE area, each time it will be counted as a separate establishment. Consequently, the count of establishments presented in CLUE represents the number of locations, rather than 'enterprises'.
For more information please visit the City of Melbourne CLUE Portal and ABS ANZSIC Page.
Please note:
AURIN has acquired the data through the City of Melbourne Open Data Portal.
The individual yearly tables have been extracted from the archived 2002-2017 tables.
The data in this table is a snapshot and not live.