4 datasets found

Groups: Open Access Tags: injury

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  • LGA11 Hospital Admissions 2011-2012

    Total hospital admissions, excluding extracorporeal dialysis by sex and hospital type (public, private, all. Note: private and all hospital data are not available for Tasmania,...
  • SD Hospital Admissions 2011-2012

    Total hospital admissions, excluding extracorporeal dialysis by sex and hospital type (public, private, all. Note: private and all hospital data are not available for Tasmania,...
  • SLA11 Hospital Admissions 2011-2012

    Total hospital admissions, excluding extracorporeal dialysis by sex and hospital type (public, private, all. Note: private and all hospital data are not available for Tasmania,...
  • LGA15 Premature Mortality-By Selected Cause - 2010-2014

    The number of premature deaths at age 0 to 74 years and their corresponding mortality rates/ratios with respective confidence intervals for: cancers, colorectal cancer, lung...
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