Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-English Language Spoken...
An emerging CALD community refers to a place with a significant increase in the number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations according to ABS census... -
Identified Areas of Emerging CALD Communities - Non-main English-Speaking...
An emerging CALD community refers to a place with a significant increase in the number of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations according to ABS census... -
VIC DHHS - Influenza Infection Age Distribution (LGA) 2009-2012
This dataset presents a summary of notified cases of Influenza in Victoria by age group. The data spans the years of 2009-2012 and is aggregated by Local Government Area (LGA)... -
VIC DHHS - Local Government Area Profiles Data (LGA) 2011
The 2011 Local Government Area (LGA) profiles are produced annually to facilitate service planning and policy development by enabling access to a broad range of data about each...