ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employee Jobs and Income by Industry (SA2) 2017-18
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding employee jobs and median employee income per job, classified by industry subdivision at Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2). The data... -
ABS - Personal Income - Total Income Distribution (SA2) 2011-2012
This dataset presents information about total income distribution. The data covers the financial year of 2011-2012, and is based on Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) according to... -
ABS - Personal Income - Total Income Distribution (SA4) 2017-2018
This dataset presents information about total income distribution. The data covers the financial year of 2017-2018, and is based on Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) according to... -
ABS - Personal Income - Total Income Distribution (GCCSA) 2011-2012
This dataset presents information about total income distribution. The data covers the financial year of 2011-2012, and is based on Greater Capital City Statistical Areas... -
ABS - Personal Income - Total Income (SA2) 2011-2018
This dataset presents information about total income. The data covers the financial years 2011-12 to 2017-18, and is based on Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) according to the... -
ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employed in Multiple Jobs (GCCSA) 2014-2015
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding the number of people employed in multiple jobs and their respective median income by the relevant statistical regions. The data... -
ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employed Persons Jobs (SA4) 2011-2018
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding employed persons within the relevant statistical regions, including the number of employee jobs and median employee income per... -
ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employee Jobs and Income by Industry (SA2) 2013-14
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding employee jobs and median employee income per job, classified by industry subdivision at Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2). The data... -
ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employee Jobs (GCCSA) 2011-2018
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding employee jobs within the relevant statistical regions, including the number of employee jobs and median employee income per job... -
ABS - Jobs In Australia - Employee Jobs and Income by Industry (SA4) 2015-16
This dataset presents aggregated data regarding employee jobs and median employee income per job, classified by industry subdivision at Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4). The data... -
SA2 Regional Population Growth 2016-2017
This dataset presents the estimates of the resident population by the 2016 Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2). The estimates are shown for the years of 2016 and 2017 and are meant... -
SA4 Agriculture Water Use - Estimates 2016-2017
This dataset presents final estimates of the final estimates for the water usage of agricultural businesses in Australia by Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) from the 2016-17 Rural... -
LGA Regional Population Growth 2016-2017
This dataset presents the estimates of the resident population by the 2017 Local Government Areas (LGA). The estimates are shown for the years of 2016 and 2017 and are meant to... -
SA2 Agriculture Water Use - Estimates 2015-2016
This dataset presents final estimates for the water usage of agricultural businesses in Australia by Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) from the 2015-16 Agricultural Census.... -
SA3 Estimates of Personal Income - Total Income 2010-2015
This dataset presents aggregated values of the Total Income as a category of the estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas ABS release. The data spans over the financial... -
SA4 Estimates of Personal Income - Investment Income 2010-2015
This dataset presents aggregated values of Investment Income as a category of the estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas ABS release. The data spans over the financial... -
GCCSA Estimates of Personal Income - Other Income 2010-2015
This dataset presents aggregated values of Other Income as a category of the estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas ABS release. The data spans over the financial years of... -
LGA Estimating Homelessness 2011
This dataset contains estimates of the prevalence of homelessness on Census night 2011, derived from the Census of Population and Housing using the Australian Bureau of... -
SA4 Agriculture Commodities - Gross Value Produced 2015-2016
This dataset presents final estimates of the gross values of agricultural commodities produced in Australia by Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) from the Value of Agricultural... -
SA2 Estimates of Personal Income - Own Unincorporated Income 2010-2015
This dataset presents aggregated values of Own Unincorporated Business Income as a category of the estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas ABS release. The data spans over...